5 Reasons to Schedule a Hearing Test

Annual teeth cleanings, physicals, and health check-ups are a no-brainer, but hearing tests are often overlooked as a regular health screening. Yearly hearing tests are just as important and other forms of preventative care and early detection could save your hearing.

Identifying potential problems early is crucial because once hearing is damaged it is impossible to restore it to its original function. Most doctors will compare past baseline hearing tests to your new test, showing how much hearing, if any, you might have lost. This could help prevent further hearing damage, and doctors can start treatment immediately.

A hearing test will provide crucial information about your hearing

Why you should schedule a hearing test

A hearing test is painless and takes up only an hour of your day. There is literally no excuse for not getting a hearing test. Hearing loss may be linked to several other health issues including: hypertension, heart health, osteoporosis, diabetes, smoking, eye health, and much more, making hearing tests a must for all adults.  

People seem to be mumbling:

When it appears that everyone around you is mumbling, more than likely you have hearing issues and need to schedule a hearing test. 

Ringing in your ears

Of course, loud noises can result in ringing in your ears, but this generally occurs immediately after you hear a loud noise. If you have ringing in your ears well after the loud noise, or for no apparent reason at all, it can be an indication of early hearing damage. 

An increased difficulty hearing in noisy places

When noisy rooms or banquet halls seem muffled and all of the noise just blends together, it could mean more than just a loud room.

Long-term exposure to noise

Anyone that works around loud noise, including construction workers and musicians, are susceptible to hearing loss and early detection could mean a longer career in that industry. They also need to protect themselves by using earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones.

Complaints from family and friends

if you are constantly replying “huh?” to everything or your family is complaining about your hearing, a hearing test is in order. Sitting in a group while not hearing the conversation can leave you confused and frustrated. Don’t miss out on anything due to your hearing.

A hearing test will provide crucial information about your hearing

It’s pretty simple: a hearing test measures how well you are able to hear. Hearing occurs when sound waves enter your ear, causing your eardrum to vibrate. It moves into the ear and eventually reaches the brain. A hearing test tells the audiologist the level of hearing loss, if there is any.

What happens during a hearing test?

What happens during a hearing test

The audiologist will look into your ears to ensure there is no blockage, and they will ask for a brief history of your hearing and any problems or infections that have occurred in the past. Then, they perform a hearing test, playing a series of sounds through headphones and you are asked to respond to those sounds. 

When should I schedule a hearing test?

If people are constantly mumbling during a conversation, you have an increased difficulty in hearing, or hear ringing in your ears, it’s time to schedule a hearing test.


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