Every bite we eat counts.
Snacking between meals is common– sometimes we do this to maintain our energy but oftentimes we reach for something out of habit.
Either way, it is important to ask ourselves if there are healthier options we could be choosing for our snacks. A healthy lifestyle can include treats in moderation, and healthy snacks in a daily routine.
When we reach for a snack, healthy is a bonus, but what we really want is to feel satisfied.
Sometimes we settle for something of high salt, too much sugar, or devoid of many nutrients.
A little planning and prep work ahead of time will be beneficial to our long-term health.
Small decisions can make a big difference in our health.
Consuming snacks that provide nourishment to our brain, muscles, and organs is possible.
We can reach for snacks that aid the body in health and simultaneously are comforting in times of stress or sadness.
Making good choices regarding our nutrition is an important part of our self-care and wellbeing.
Cravings are different from person to person, but some common cravings and healthy options to satisfy those cravings are listed below.

CRAVING: Crunchy snacks
- rice cakes
- nuts
- seeds
- roasted chickpeas
- air-popped or low-fat popcorn
- apple slices with nut butter (watch out for added sugars)
- raw veggies and dip or hummus
- trail mix (with nuts and seeds and dry fruit, but be careful to look out for added sugars)

CRAVING: Feeling full
- hummus with raw veggies
- oatmeal with fruit (watch the sugar)
- whole-grain toast with nut butter or avocado
- cruciferous veggies like broccoli/brussels sprouts/kale
- fruits with nuts or cheese

CRAVING: Sweet Snacks
- frozen banana (one option: puree in a blender and eat as ice cream!)
- grapes
- pears plus plain Greek yogurt plus a drizzle of honey
- apples (with nut butter and cinnamon, or baked!)
Some practical tips aside from healthy swaps include:
Simplicity— choose foods that are not highly processed and are close to their original
form (fruits, vegetables, etc.)
Moderation— in choice (it’s okay to reach for something sugary every once in a while, but not every day) and in portion (snacks should be satisfying, but should be small, not meal replacements)
Preparation/Ease— make these healthy snacks easily available. Have a stash of cut up
veggies in the fridge, boil some eggs a few days in advance, buy yogurt cups in appropriate portion sizes, etc.
Don’t Drink the Calories— let your snacks come from foods, not juices or sodas, which can be high in sugar.
Check-in with Yourself— make sure you are actually hungry, not just grazing. Sometimes we reach for a snack when really our bodies are trying to tell us we are a bit dehydrated. Drinking a glass of water before reaching for a snack can be helpful.
The amount of sugar you are eating and how often you are eating it is an important starting point when choosing healthy snacks. There will be days for all of us where the sugary snack is the one we choose.
Remember– moderation is key.