Medical News

Sun Damaged Skin: Prevention and Treatment
Exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause significant damage to our skin, making it essential to prioritize sun protection. From premature aging

Dementia: Understanding, Diagnosing, Treating
Over 5 million people in the U.S. suffer from dementia. Among older individuals, the rate of incidence of dementia is as high as 33%. Because

The Impact of Clutter on Physical and Emotional Health
Life can get busy, and we all find ourselves feeling a bit disorganized sometimes. Over half of Americans find themselves stressed out by untidy spaces

Does Better Sleep Impact Our Mental Health?
Lack of sleep can trigger mental health symptoms, but sleep struggles can also be an indicator of mental illness itself. This post takes a look

What Happens When You Exercise for 10 Minutes?
Take a look at how 10 minutes of exercise a day just might save your life. We’ve probably all heard tips like “take the stairs

Types of Biopsies
This post takes a look at the types of biopsies and what to expect at your biopsy. Concerning symptoms or lab results may result in