Medical News

5 Reasons to Schedule a Hearing Test
Annual teeth cleanings, physicals, and health check-ups are a no-brainer, but hearing tests are often overlooked as a regular health screening. Yearly hearing tests are just as important and other forms of preventative care and early detection could save your hearing.

Can Sport Specialization Lead to More Injuries?
Kids that specialize in a specific sport often play year-round on traveling teams or in tournaments, which is leading to more sports injuries. These athletes tend to engage in high levels of exercise for long periods of time, wearing down the body until an injury occurs.

Cancer Screenings Could Save Your Life
When it comes to your health, getting in front of a potentially dangerous illness is critical to overcoming that illness, especially cancer. Early detection of

Common Questions About Flu Season and Flu Shots
According to the CDC, flu vaccines are the best way to prevent contracting the virus. Flu vaccines are safe and effective and so common they are given out each year at doctor’s offices, healthcare clinics, pharmacies, and some businesses have flu shots administered at their offices.

How to Prevent Shoulder Injuries
Shoulders get a real workout everyday, whether you attend the gym or not. Your shoulders are used for lifting, reaching, throwing, catching, grabbing, and even getting off of the couch. Imagine how much more of a pounding your shoulders take at the gym.

Is Virtual Care Right For You?
In the past, people were used to seeing doctors in person. With technology growing every day and COVID-19 taking over all around the world, more and more people started using virtual care for their medical needs. Read here how this new practice has changed medicine forever!